COVID-19 County Health Directives
• Masks indoor for children, families and teaching staff is optional.
. Mandatory Covid Testing for staff every week.
• All employees and children are expected to regularly wash their hands throughout the day. They are required to wash their hands with soap and water for a minimum of 20 seconds, when doing the following: arriving to work, handling food, feeding a child, after use of a toilet, after changing a diaper or helping a child in the bathroom, after assisting to wipe a child’s nose or mouth, tending to a cut or sore and after daily health screenings etc.
•Staff and children to do daily health inspections to include: temperature, visual wellness check and washing their hands once in the classroom.
• All cleaning and disinfecting will be done daily using EPA registered disposable wipes or solutions. Employees will wipe down commonly used surfaces before use. In addition, there will be regular cleaning and disinfecting of toys, learning materials, door handles, light switches, art & crafts supplies, sink handles, toilet handles, counters, desktops and books etc.
• All classrooms will be well ventilated throughout the day.
•Per Community Care Licensing all adults and children are to be current on all immunizations.